Our Partners can really help your organization:
Solution & Platform Partners:
The solutions below can be provided directly to an organization or be utilized by any of our partners to help them help their clients. Become a Connect4 Growth Partner.
What do stakeholders value vs performance wanted or delivered?
Assessment toolbox/platform that enables you to move from thinking to knowing & understanding what your many stakeholders really value, and compare it to how they think your products or services perform. The Organizational GPS can give you timely on-going data on the way your customers, members and employees think and how aligned they are. This raises engagement and gives you what is possible based on good data.
Applied Innovation to grow
Give your teams the tools to solve the right problems and the methods & processes to enable them to innovate as a Team. Basadur is an Innovation and Problem Solving platform and process that facilitates learning and talent development to enables Design Thinking for your individuals and your team/s to become a innovation & problem solving powerhouse. Start with understanding the Innovation Style Profile of your team.

KMicro Tech, Inc.
Providing full stack GOLD Microsoft Partners for Business Technology and service.
You can spend more of your time focusing on running and growing your business.
To enable our clients to transform into fully integrated systems, KMicro's team, provides C-level advisory services before charting your course. You will have access to the full spectrum (stack) of Microsoft offerings from Office 365 to the Dynamics 365 suite to Sentinel security, and the full range of managed IT services and on-going support.
Their advisors will work with your senior management teams to ensure your financial, CRM and IT systems are optimized for seamless transformation and growth.
Enable knowledge sharing
A Platform to enable & facilitate mentoring & coaching, one-on-one & group, peer, live and online (zoom like). A great framework to leverage training and talent development efforts, so participants and organizations (companies, associations and networks) can raise engagement levels & knowledge sharing & transfer to achieve their goals and raise the value of your network.

Embedded Sense, Inc
Custom engineering to develop IoT products to feed you need for valuable data and enable smart building to work with solutions to Mitigate Water Damage and optimize space, energy and occupancy to be safe, healthy and raise performance.
IoT solutions that solve real world problems that mitigate risks. A design and development engineering firm specializes in IoT - Internet of Things devices, communication networks and analytics solutions for safer and smarter, greener public and commercial buildings for: hospitality, restaurants, offices, healthcare, home care, manufacturing, transit, etc.
Fully Blended online learning
Award winning eLearning & digital/virtual solutions for learning, testing & sharing knowledge with clients, staff, members & partners, leveraging off your existing (ie. video) & custom developed content with an easy to use LMS to manage it all.

C4G also has a network of experts:
Sales & Marketing & Social & HR/Talent
Each firm has its own specialty and technology to help a company grow, utilizing the most up-to-date Analytics, AI tools and methodologies to generate leads and move them along the pathway to purchase your products and/or services. C4G can coach you to select the best-fit provider bases on your needs and goals.
If you do not see a potential solution to your problem above, we have many game changing partners
Over 25 years, we have amassed a large network of proven subject experts, trainers and technology solution providers, that we can quickly bring to the virtual table to solve your problems.
Providing innovative, transformation change with guarantees of ROI on your investment in their services to enable growth and sustainability of your organization.
Let's discuss your challenges, problems and the potential that is possible for your organization with one of our Connect4 Growth Advisors.
You will learn that we are not like traditional consulting firms.
Connect via any mode communication below.