Get started!
Become a Smart City
The Discovery Bundle
We are excited to present to you, this timely joint offering from two of our great partners
What is included?
From Future Strategies - CityPossiblities:
Collaborate with the team to build a personalized and collaborative innovation model for their region using our possibilities analytics.
Deploy initial consultations with citizens and up to 3 follow up consultations for greater citizen engagement.
Unlimited number of citizen participants
Coaching on social media approaches to optimize citizen participation.
Coaching through the data interpretation and follow up strategies.
Coaching to leverage the data in the contest submission
On-line real time dashboard and reporting
From MentorCity:
Subscription to on board up to 150 Mentors/Mentees/Particpants/Advisors
Facilitates connecting & collaboration with peers and mentors to share know how, experience & ideas
Simple process with on-line support and learning aids
Telephone support/help line
Admin dashboard and usage reports
Subscription Fee $10K
3 month starter subscription
With the Get Started Discovery Bundle, both of our Partners above will help move your City from ”Think to Know”, so that you can move forward as a “Smart City” and make innovations that work for your city.
Connect4 Growth looks forward to discussing in more detail and showing you via web demo, how these 2 proven technologies will help you become a "Smart City".
Arrange a call/meeting: